all recovery meetings
across georgia
You don’t have to identify as an addict or alcoholic to want to learn more about how to get well and stay well.
All Recovery meetings provide a place where all pathways to recovery are welcome, including members of twelve-step groups, faith-based groups, and people in medication-assisted recovery, but we only have one purpose, and that is supporting each other on our recovery journeys.
Don’t have a particular pathway to recovery, or group that you’re a part of? You’re welcome here, too. We know that every recovery journey is unique, and we will honor and support yours.
We hope you’ll join us at Y’All Recovery, the All Recovery meetings hosted at Georgia’s Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Centers. Peer support is what we do.
Meeting schedules for Y'All Recovery meetings at Georgia's Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Centers varies by Center. Please contact the Center nearest you for meeting information.
Please See Online Wellness Resources for Online Meetings
Georgia's Peer Support and Respite Centers are a project of the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network and are funded through a contract with the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities.