Wellness Recovery Action Plan

The Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network is pleased to provide basic Wellness Recovery Action Plan® workshops to groups across the state. These workshops are provided at no cost to participants or hosting facilities. The workshop is an introduction to a personalized wellness and recovery plan which helps people to:
Decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviors
Increase personal empowerment
Improve quality of life
Address the need for support during crisis
Achieve life goals and personal ambitions.
WRAP® was developed over 20 years ago by Mary Ellen Copeland, and in 2010 was listed in the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices.
This workshop happens in two 3-to-4 hour sessions over two days. It includes a variety of experiential learning exercises that provide participants who are on a recovery journey the opportunity to develop a self-directed recovery plan. The workshop is appropriate for:
Georgia’s Peers—people who self-identify as being in recovery from behavioral health concerns
Certified Peer Specialists seeking to learn basic WRAP® skills and receive CPS Continuing Education Units
Any organization who wants to support the empowerment of people in recovery from behavioral health concerns.
Certified Peer Specialists are welcome to contact us to learn more about this opportunity. The only requirements are providing a venue for the training, and 10 - 35 participants, to be arranged by the host.
To learn more about hosting or attending a WRAP® workshop, please contact Denise Hardy, CPS, by email: denise@gmhcn.org or phone 404-687-9487.

Learn more about WRAP®.
To learn more about Mary Ellen Copeland and the Wellness Recovery Action Plan®, please visit the Copeland Center website.