From its beginning, the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network has been defined by the resources it provides. The Pipeline newsletter, its first initiative, was conceived at a time before the internet was a reality for most people, and served the critical need of keeping people across Georgia connected at a time when long-distance phone charges were still a real impediment to communication. Even today, The Pipeline reaches people in places where electronic communication is difficult or impossible, and helps keeps them connected with us and their other peers.
Over a quarter of a century later, GMHCN provides a diverse array of services and training opportunities that provide Georgians from the coast to the mountains the opportunity to serve their peers and their communities.
The priorities of GMHCN are established by our peers each year at our Annual Summer Conference, and are reflected through the resources, projects, and trainings shown on this site. Please feel free to contact us using the information below with any questions or comments.
We look forward to hearing from you.