peer support & respite centers OF gEORGIA
Georgia's Peer Support and Respite Centers are peer-run alternatives to traditional mental health day programs and psychiatric hospitalization.
Each of the five Peer Support and Respite Centers has respite rooms available to citizens of Georgia, available 24 hours a day, year-round. The three or four respite rooms at each Center are free of charge and can be occupied by a peer overwhelmed by life challenges who feels they would benefit from 24/7 peer support, for up to seven nights, every 30 days.
Peers often use Respite to avoid psychiatric hospitalization. Each Center guest must have a Proactive Conversation on file before being eligible for Respite. They must also be at least 18 years of age, self-identify as a person who is a consumer of mental health services, have a house tour, and sign Participation Guidelines. Peers are welcome to participate in all activities, regardless of whether they are staying overnight. Activities vary by location--please call ahead to verify the schedule. Descriptions of activities are at the bottom of this page.
All overnight guests are responsible for taking their own prescribed medications and keeping them in a locked box. The box and key are provided by the Centers. The kitchen will be stocked for guests who are using the respite beds and they are free to prepare food for themselves at their convenience. Guests are also free to bring in their own food.
There are no doctors, nurses, case-managers, or clinical staff associated with the Centers, although each guest is free to utilize their established medical and community resources. Guests have a file consisting of their Proactive Interview, Contact information, and Participation Guidelines. Guests have access to their file upon request.
The Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Centers welcome self-referrals. No independent confirmation of mental health challenges or diagnosis is required.
All peer staff are Certified Peer Specialists. In addition, all peer staff have completed Intentional Peer Support Training with Shery Mead and Chris Hansen, Warmline Training with Sheila Silverman, CPR/First Aid Certification Training and general orientation with the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network. Probably the best training, however, is the lived experience we all share as mental health peers!
Proactive Interviews
A Proactive Interview is an interactive dialogue between a Respite Center peer staff and a peer participant. It is used to determine the type of respite supports preferred by the participant. It is completed while a participant is feeling well.
A participant can come to a Respite Center while they are feeling well and have a pro-active Interview with a peer staff. Once the interview is completed, they qualify for a respite bed if and when the need arises, and a bed is available.
Proactive Interviews are offered weekdays in White County and Colquitt County by appointment only; in Bartow County between 9:00-11:00 am, and in Decatur, between 3:00-5:00 pm. All Respite Centers offer Proactive Interviews during open hours.

To learn more about any of the Centers below, please click the name of the Center.
Augusta Peer Recovery and respite Center
1720 Central Avenue, Augusta, Georgia 30904
Phone 706-426-4030
Bartow County Peer Support & Respite Center
201 North Erwin Street, Cartersville Georgia 30120
Phone 770-276-2019
Colquitt County Peer Support & Respite Center
417 2nd Street SE, Moultrie Georgia 31768
Phone 229-873-9737
Decatur Peer Support and Wellness Center
444 Sycamore Drive, Decatur Georgia 30030
Phone 404-371-1414
White County Peer Support and Respite Center
46 kNAUS dRIVE cLEVELAND, Georgia 30030
Phone 706-865-3601
Peer Support Activity Descriptions
Recovery and wellness activities vary by location. These descriptions are meant to provide a general idea of what might be expected at any of the Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Centers. For specific information about scheduled activities, please contact the PSWRC using the contact information above.
Aroma & Relaxation (Bartow) – Let go of your fears, worries, and stresses as we enter a state of complete relaxation. We will use aroma, music, imagery, meditation, and other easy-to do techniques to come to an inner peace.
Art Explorations – Use a variety of art media for self expression and exploration.
Bingo (Decatur) – Join us on Saturdays at 12:00 PM for BINGO with prizes!
Bowling (Decatur) – Meet at The Comet (formerly Suburban Lanes) every Wednesday at 11:00 to bowl competitively with peers and have loads of fun! (First 10 bowlers are free, additional bowlers $5.00); Address 2679 N. Decatur Rd. 30033; 470-225-1931
Computer Skills/Financial Planning/Housing Support - Learn basic computer skills to access housing and financial resources online. Create a budget. Learn the ins and outs of SSI/SSDI. During this hour, computers will only be available for those participating in the activity.
CPS Study Group – Make arrangements with study partners to meet at the PSWC on Sundays to prepare for the Certified Peer Specialist exam.
Creative Cafe – Share your original poetry, spoken word, prose, short stories, etc. Get creative and enjoy coffee and hot chocolate!
Double Trouble in Recovery – A twelve-step program designed to meet the needs of individuals who are dealing with both substance abuse and a mental health diagnosis
Free Events on the Square (Bartow) – Each spring, summer, and fall, Cartersville presents Events on the Square consisting of concerts, farmers market, festivals, etc. Peers can walk to the downtown square all day on Saturdays.
Hearing Voices Network – Are you a person who hears voices? Do you want to talk openly about it without labels, judgments, or coercion? This is a safe place to talk freely and openly about your experiences.
Issues in Mental Health – Let’s talk about the real issues in mental health -- in the news, with drug companies, legislation… Let’s explore what does and does not support us in recovery
Lyrical Expressions – Exploring the soundtracks of our lives!
LGBT Support – Free to all who self-identify as having a mental health challenge and identify as LGBT
Movies and Games – Saturdays are for hanging out with peers and having some good old-fashioned fun with board games, cards, and movies. We provide games to choose from, but feel free to bring your own as well.
Peer Community (Decatur) – Join us on Wednesdays at The Comet before bowling for news and announcements. This is also a good time to bring up issues that affect the PSWC community at large. Address 2679 N. Decatur Rd. 30033; 470-225-193126619
Peer Zone – A set of interactive workshops created by Mary O’Hagan and Sarah McCook. The activities are engaging and relevant to peers on the recovery path.
Respite Support – An activity every evening at 8:00 pm with respite guests for extra support if you choose
Resources Support – Resources galore. Find what you need in the community, on the internet, or through networking with other peers who have been where you’re at and know what’s available. Food, clothes, housing, support groups, lots of giveaways in Atlanta!
Sacred Space – this is a forum to talk about spirituality and what makes you passionate! You can freely share your personal feelings and beliefs about spirituality and what it means to you. No preaching, just sharing.
Super Sports Sundays – Come cheer your team on in front of the TV and have a blast!
Trauma-Informed Peer Support – Have you experienced a life-altering event in your life? This is the place where these issues can be explored with your peers while developing skills to begin to move forward.
Voices and Visions – A time to share and explore the place and possible meanings that hearing voices and seeing visions play in our lives. Various tips and tools for working with them will be discussed as well.
Whole Health – Exploring the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspect of our lives and how they intertwine.
WRAP Planning – WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) assists with developing a wellness plan that keeps you in control when you experience a crisis.
YMCA – The PSWC has free passes! Meet us at the PSWC at 11:00 am on Mondays (1st & 5th Monday) and Fridays for some fun and exercise at the Y. Meet us at the Decatur YMCA located at 1100 Clairemont Ave., Decatur, GA Phone: (404) 377-9622