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health and safety at gmhcn

Our Policy

Updated July 27, 2022

The Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network has long recognized how deeply connected our mental health and physical health are, and how important it is for each of us to be able to reach our personal wellness and recovery goals.

The management team at GMHCN has been working diligently to respond to the ongoing and rapidly-evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the emergence of monkey pox as a public health concern in Georgia. Our goal is to respond in a way that protects public and personal health, while also providing the peer support that is critical to Georgia’s public behavioral health system, families, and communities.


With that in mind, GMHCN has adopted the following measures while following current guidelines from the CDC, the Georgia Department of Public Health, and the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, as well as local health departments and municipal guidelines:

> GMHCN employees are required to isolate for 5 days after the onset of symptoms or a positive test. The day the symptoms start is considered Day 0. After 5 days, the employee may return to in-person GMHCN-operated work sites but must continue to wear a mask for no less than another 5 days (Day 10 counting from Day 0) as per per CDC guidelines. GMHCN employees who are employed at sites not operated by GMHCN must consult with their supervisor before returning to their worksite after a positive Covid test or illness. 

> Tucker Home Office GMHCN is operating the home office in Tucker in a limited capacity. Please consider emailing us directly.

> The Peer2Peer Warm Line will remain open 24/7/365, providing peer support over the phone. Support is available to all Georgians experiencing anxiety or stress, or who need support through the pandemic. Please call 888-945-1414 any time.

> Georgia’s Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Centers are open and receiving respite guests, and providing wellness activities when and where we are able. Please call before visiting any Center to verify that they are able to welcome you at the time you wish to visit, as we are strictly observing social distancing guidelines and are only able to admit limited numbers of visitors depending upon the location and activity. 

> Online Wellness Activities and Double Trouble in Recovery meetings are being provided multiple times daily, seven days a week.

>Thank You We appreciate your patience as we work with our employees, allies, and community partners to respond to the Coronavirus. We encourage you to stay connected, stay well, stay calm, and support your peers and neighbors when and how you are able.

#StayWell #StaySafe #StayConnected


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